Monday, January 17, 2011

Vacuum Pump

The power brakes operate off of vacuum.  Since diesels do not operate with any notable vacuum, a separate pump is typically installed from the factory to power the brakes, as well as the HVAC controls, etc.

I typically had no power brakes at idle, so I decided to disassemble the pump to fix this issue.


The spring is compressed, so be careful when pulling the nut off.

The piston appears to use a brass ring that is pressed against the cylinder by a 1/4 OD o-ring. I honed the cylinder walls, hoping that oil would stick to it better.
Below this steel cover is an o-ring and a brass fiber bushing for the rod.

Brass fiber bushing.

Reassembled using hydraulic press, would be very difficult otherwise.

Fully assembled, ready to install.

After installation.

Now, the pump pulls a strong enough vacuum at idle to enable power brakes.  Exciting! It just needed a good cleaning and honing.


  1. If you need a new one try Pierburg because that's the manufacturer of the vacuum pump. I had a new one installed in the Netherlands

  2. Thanks Dan,

    I just assumed that Bosch manufactured the pump. That's great to know, I didn't even know Pierburg existed. Do you currently live in the Netherlands?


  3. Hello, Can you direct me to a source for the seal to this pump?
    Thank you,

    1. Bob,
      Are you referring to the O-Ring used to seal the housing halves?
